Understanding your people and what makes them tick holds the key to your company’s success.
At an individual basis
Additionally, How do the factors influencing team dynamics play into the picture?
A resilient, thriving culture, has it’s foundation rooted in individual and organizational health; in psychologically safe workplaces that afford to be curious, to question and to thrive.
Your organization is run by multifaceted complex beings with unique genetic profiles, personalities & backgrounds that further refine and inform their individual senses of thriving.
Regardless of the nuanced differences, Health & vitality are our default states, but modern life, often synonymous with sedentary work, chronic stress, ‘celebrated hustle culture’ amongst other factors, leaves its mark in the form of various health conditions and lifestyle diseases.
*-in yearly productivity loss among those aged 50-64, Source: International Longevity Centre UK (IL), G20 flagship report 2022.